
Natural Remedies for Acne

Natural remedies for acne are many and some are powerful and effective and some are merely a help for this troublesome problem.  

When searching for an effective remedy look at the three suggested in this article: Black Cumin, Aloe Vera and Milk.

Acne is a pharmaceutical company's dream.  Millions of people every year run to the pharmacy to buy everything in the world to treat and help cover these very ugly, red, puss-filled breakouts.  

These break-outs may be minor irritations for some or they may be major heartaches.  Dermatologist offices are filled with people wanting to look normal again and the doctors will prescribe pharmaceutical medicines.  Natural remedies for acne are many and have no side effects, like highly marketed pharmaceuticals. 

Acne affects both men and women, young and old.  Acne is not prejudiced and may attack without any symptoms at all. Are there really any natural remedies that work?  Indeed there are.

Black Cumin Oil Remedies

Black cumin, also known as Nigella sativa has been used for thousands of years to treat acne and is my number one choice for natural treatments.  It is very inexpensive compared to doctors and pharmaceutical medicines and it is very easy to do. 

 Black cumin has more than 100 nutrients and vitamins and not only will it get rid of your acne, but it will also treat your entire body, prevent cancer, treat diabetes and even help with wrinkles.  These simple remedies listed will shock you in how little work it takes.

First make sure to drink some black cumin oil daily. 

You need to take 2 teaspoons of black cumin oil daily or 2 1/2 times more of the ground seeds.  Take your first dosage on an empty stomach 1/2 hour before breakfast. You can mix it with some raw honey or add it to a 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed juice. Take the second dosage before sleeping.

Steam Method:

Place two teaspoon in 2 liters of water and bring to boil. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly then place a towel over your head and inhale the steam.  This steam method will open up your pores..

Apple Vinegar Method:

Place 1 cup of raw apple vinegar in a pan along with 4 tablespoon of ground seeds.  Allow the vinegar to absorb the seeds for 8 to 12 hours.  Strain the vinegar from the seeds and add in an equal amount of black cumin oil.   Dab this mixture on the acne breakouts.  It is suggested to do this in combination with the steam method.

Black Cumin Alone:

The easiest method is to dab black cumin oil directly on the acne.  Use the best black cumin oil you can find.  

Aloe Vera for Acne

It has been proven that aloe vera can be used to treat acne, with improvements seen in as little as one week. Acne sufferers can see a remarkable improvement by simply breaking an aloe vera leaf and applying the watery gel to the acne lesions.

Some Simple Homemade Remedies Using Aloe Vera:

Acne Treatment - Rub the gel on the affected area twice a day. Your acne will improve within one week.

Body Rub - Cut open an aloe leaf, remove the gel out and rub it all over your body. Rinse off the gel after twenty minutes and feel the difference.

Cold Sores - Apply aloe vera to cold sores twice daily. The symptoms will be resolved within one day and cured within one week.

Diaper Rash - After a warm bath, massage the affected areas with aloe vera gel. You will see results within three days.

Eczema - Create a paste using the leaves of the aloe vera plant and apply to dry skin three times daily. You will see results in one month.

Skin Cancer - Apply the gel liberally to all affected areas. You will see results in three months.

Skin Wounds and Abrasions - Rub the gel onto wounds or abrasions twice a day. Improvement and healing will be observed within three days.

Power-Packed Energizing Green Smoothie Recipe:

1 cup of water
1 cup of spinach
1 banana
1 pear or any fruit you desire
1 leaf (enough to make 2-4 ounces of juice) of an aloe vera plant (the whole leaf)
1 tablespoon of raw honey
2 tablespoons of ground olive leaf

For a delicious, energizing green smoothie, blend all the ingredients for one minute and enjoy.

Warnings and Precautions for Using Aloe Vera:

1. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use the exterior portion of aloe vera leaves for treating ailments or creating drinks.

2. People who have hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticulosis, colitis, Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome should not use aloe vera without first consulting a physician.

3. Be cautious when using aloe vera as a laxative, as it may cause digestive problems.

Home Remedies

I have a neighbor who had severe acne and she was someone who was so afraid of her looks, as many are. I commented one day that she was in need of help badly.  I then saw her again in two weeks and her skin was white as snow and her acne was 80% gone.  I asked her what did she do and here is her remedy:
  • 1 large spoon of milk powder
  • 1 large spoon of water.

Mix well and dab on the acne.  Wash it off in one hour.  Yes, that is it.  Remarkably easy.

Another simple recipe with basil: For acne that hasn't responded to anything, steep 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves in 1 cup boiling water, cool, and apply to affected area.