
Nigella Sativa Power Honey Mixture

This is a very powerful sweet treat that will refresh your very soul and give you the energy you need to work hard and live longer. This recipe was given to me by a Sheik in Dubai, UAE who runs a herbal store. I have some every day.

  • 3 cups of honey
  • 2 Tablespoons of Royal Honey
  • 2 Heaping Tablespoons of Ground Black Seeds (black cumin) or the oil  (super fine is best)
  • 2 Heaping Tablespoons of ginger powder
  • 1/3 cup of chopped nuts (any will do but I used pistashios, walnuts and almonds)


In a medium size bowl add in the honey, black seeds and ginger. You can substitute the black cumin oil instead. If using the seeds, make sure they are heated to remove the hot taste prior to using. Mix the honey mixture well. Add in the chopped nuts and place the entire mixture in sealed jars. Take one teaspoon twice a day. Yummmmy.