
Can You Take Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) with Pharmaceutical Medicine?

You will notice in my writings and in my book (Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Black Cumin and More), that I state pharmaceutical medicine and black cumin should not be combined. 

The reason I state this is so you follow the treatment as prescribed by Prophet Mohammad.  When anyone begins the treatment for black cumin and is hoping for a miracle, then following the way of the prophetic medicine is suggested and recommended.

You can however take the two together and there to this date is no known side effects.  If you are currently taking medicine which your doctor feels is imperative and life threatening then do not give up this medicine until your condition improves.  I personally do not believe in medicine and I believe in faith healings so I do not go to doctors for treatments.

However if my cat is sick, I rush her to the doc, lol. I have seen the miracle of black cumin and I have seen its power and I believe with all my heart in Allah's healing.  I also take black cumin daily so my immune system is in good shape.  By taking black cumin daily you will have the vitamins and nutrients to make you strong and help you fight and all diseases.

Every day there is another story of survival.  I recently read a story or testimony.  I do not agree with his philosophy not to heat the seeds, but instead to take an antacid but his story of survival is inspiring.  Here is what he writes:

In 1998, Nigella Sativa was tested by me on bronchial asthma. I wrote the Hadith(Hadis-i Şerif) above and I started to use it for treating myself. There was an exploration of alternative treatments, though I could not see sufficient benefits. However, after determining by referral how to use it on my family, and after the first clinic in the radiology and imaging examination, I performed the treatments on all chronic patients and those in search of cancer cures.

The number of clinical trials is up to about 4000. In the treatment of different cancers, approximately 300 people were monitored and studied on a regular basis. Almost all have experienced positive results in various measures. The patients varied in ages between 1.5 and 73 years old.

Foreign journals have published articles on the side effects of Nigella Sativa based on different diseases. In these publications, the immune system in both animal and human cellular make-up (such as the activation of T-helper) as well as emunctory (antibodies, etc.), the levels of all balanced elements (immunmodülatör and immunstimulan) have been shown to increase.

Depending on the study, no side effects were reported by the patients. Of interest, the positive effect of Nigella Satuvanum is not considered an alternative form of treatment, but mainstream, especially when it is recommended that patients do not disrupt the course of their treatments.
Treatments must often be applied for a lifetime in the presence of chronic illness. In these patients, who were treated with Nigella Sativa, the complaints of symptoms were monitored. Changes in the doses of the drug were recommended under medical supervision. 

In cancer patients treated with this Nigella Sativa, the prognosis is particularly more beneficial than for those with hypertension and diabetes. In patients with these latter conditions, even with medications, benefits were not noticed. In general for the cancer patients, however, problems with the quality of life were no longer reported.

In order to understand the impact of Nigella Sativa on the shape of the disease over a longer period of time, laboratory results showed that more patients were needed for the study. When we have patients using Nigella Sativa in regular treatment protocols and strategies, the grand scale of experience for physicians and clinicians with research will be possible.

Another major point that should not be ignored is how the influencial effects of the drug are different from individual to individual. This is supported by the results of earlier laboratory and clinical medical research with patients that were admitted to our long-term study were positively recommended on the basis of the study.

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