
Again Nigella Sativa Found Successful in the Treatment of Candida Albicans

Candida albicans must not be taken lightly.  Candida is a fungus and fungus is one reason people get cancer. There are many different types of candida from vaginal to oral.  

Even inflammation of the esophagus may be caused by candida, a potentially deadly disease.  If the esophagus swells enough to cause breathing difficulties and possibly lack of oxygen to the brain, a stroke may be caused.  Nigella sativa has been tested many times in the past and those studies have shown that this anti-fungal herb is successful in treating candida albicans.

Recently the European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy tested Nigella sativa, acqueous, methanolic and chloroform extracts on 20 different strains of candida to see which alternative therapy was the most successful.

Nigella sativa is an herb that has been used for thousands of years and is grown in the Middle East.  Some of its main properties are:
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Bronchodilator
  • Antioxidant
  • Herpatoprotective
  • Lipid lowering
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic properties

The researchers isolated 20 different strains of candida and tested with the above mentioned extracts.  The different strains were collected from patients in the Craiova Emergency Hospital and tested. Aqueous, methanolic and chloroform extracts were made from the seeds of Nigella sativa, in decreasing dilutions, in which Wattman filter paper discs were soaked and dried and then used to achieve the antifungal graph by using the Kirby-Bauer diffusion technique. Simultaneously, the testing was repeated using standard antifungal disks (Becton Dickinson) and the two sets of results compared. The antifungal effect was assessed by measuring the diameter of the inhibition zone, noting the concentration per disk. 

The results showed that Nigella sativa had the best results followed by chloroform extracts.  The aqueous extracts showed no anti-fungal activity. The end results showed again that Nigella sativa was successful as a treatment for anti-fungal diseases.

Further Notes on Cancer Diets

Where many patients go wrong when using Nigella sativa is when treating the illness, they do harm.  What does this mean?  In medicine the oath of office is to do no harm.  In natural remedies you must apply the same procedure in how you treat the illness.  Nigella sativa was found positive in 20 different strains.  The strain was taken outside of the body and tested.  You cannot eat a diet full of sugar and have the same results.

Ridding candida can be done in a relatively short time if you follow a healthy diet.  This diet should be no sugar for the first three weeks and then a gradual consumption of fruits and starchy foods.  I cannot recommend sugar at any point of your diet as sugar is just plain unhealthy.  Fruit juices should also be avoided as they are unhealthy and all sugar.

Other treatments have shown that a low fat diet is suggested for the elimination of candida.

  1. Six natural ways to treat Candida Albicans:
  2. Learn How Olive Leaf Eliminates Candida: