
Natural Remedies to Treat the New SARS Virus Outbreak

 In April 2012 I reported about a SARS breakout in Jordan at my local hospital Hawuz and then in September of the same year the UK reported about a man who had acute respiratory illness resembling SARS and now there are four more cases of SARS like symptoms in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.  The fear in September was that the coming Hajj season would be greatly affected by this SARS virus as it can pass through the air.

Read: Sars-Like Virus Hits Middle East - Not New News - Jordan Had Sars Outbreak in April 2012

So now we have six cases confirmed by the WHO (World Health Organization) and two reported death from both reportings.

Recently there is one new confirmed case in Qatar and three new cases in Saudi Arabia with one death.  In the same Saudi family two other members had similar symptoms and one died.  Until further tests are done, it can't be said if they had SARS or not.Symptoms of this SARS like virus include: cough, fever, difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath.

Read Reuter's Article: Four new cases of SARS-like virus found in Saudi, Qatar

The WHO has labeled this breakout as "London1_novel CoV 2012" as no formal name has been given yet.

WHO Warms Surrounding Countries to Saudi Arabia and Qatar to be on the Lookout 

The WHO urged all its member states to continue surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections.
"Until more information is available, it is prudent to consider that the virus is likely more widely distributed than just the two countries which have identified cases," it said.

Either way, the WHO is warning member states or local countries to be aware that the virus "May" be spreading and to beware.  SARS. SARS is a quick acting virus and sometimes by the time symptoms show up it is too late.  Now is the time to start with preventative measures to save you and your loves ones. .

Colloidal Silver is the First Line of Defense

Mesosilver is the best colloidal silver on the market.  It is a must with any virus outbreak of this proportion and or infection.  I have a generator and it is a must in any home.  For people with a virus or infection you give 1/4 cup or 4 ounces 4 times daily.  It is quick acting and should be a part of your viruse protocol.  

One of my cats had two stays in the hospital and was sent home to die.  I was told colloidal silver would save her and so I sent to America for a generator.  It worked perfectly and Baby is alive today.  She is 18 years old now. 

MesoSilver is .9999 pure silve nanoparticles in colloid form, a TRUE colloidal silver, which means predominantly silver particles NOT silver ions.  The world's highest particle surface area.  Up to 600 times greater than other products.  Highest bioavailabilty of any colloidal silver product , due to sub nanometer sized particles.

Anti-viral protocol

There is no virus that can not be beat, by using this simple, inexpensive solution from Mother Nature.

1. Take 21 capsules of the olive leaf, all at once at the beginning of any symptoms and then take 9 capsules daily or more.The best way is to take these things now and build up your system, do not wait till you are sick. The healing benefits of olive leaf are enormous and available to everyone who wants to be well.

2. You should take one teaspoon of honey and Nigella Sativa oil or ground seeds every single day.  Nigella sativa, also known as black cumin and black seed is a natural anti-viral and has been proven to be effective.

3. 4-5 cloves of garlic taken in the afternoon.

4. 2 capsules of grape seed taken daily and preferably in the morning.

5. Take echinacea capsules for the flu and/or virus.  Recommended dosage is 3 to 4 capsules a day in divided dosages. Echinacea must be taken at the onset of the virus and then stopped when the symptoms are gone.

5. 2000mg of Vitamin C and Vitamin D3.

Recipe for a Natural Cough Medicine

  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne 
  • 1/4 teaspoon ginger
  • 1 Tbs. raw honey
  • 1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar
  • 2 Tbs. warm water
Mix and take by the teaspoon. Usual dosage is 2 to 3 teaspoons per day.  
