
Prince - The Mysterious Musical Genius and Things You Never Knew

I felt driven to write a story about Prince after reading about so many good things he did and has done.  This article is from my heart to a man who deserved better than to die alone.  Prince you are loved.

On April 21st, 2016, the Musical Genius, that everyone knows the Prince, the Purple RAIN MAN would die.  He would die alone in an elevator and he would never be able to tell anyone the truth of what happened to him in those last hours.  Prince, the musical genius who could play 20 instruments was no more.  RIP my dear Prince.

Prince was born in 1958 and that means he was 5 years younger than me.  So we grew up in the same era.  I never liked the man.  He was sexual, explicit and someone I did not think was my cup of tea.  Boy was I wrong.

His death has left me numb.  As I started to read about his death, I found so many things I loved about the man.  I often wish I could dream about Prince and talk to him.  The things I found out from the many articles amazed me.  He was nothing at all like I thought.  Prince had changed the world.

I put a Google Alert on my email and the articles coming in amazed me.  Prince was so much to learn from.  He was a genius in his own right, but he was more than that.  He was a teacher, a musician and he was a lover.

Prince Becomes Religious

I think like many I judged him.  I put labels on him that was not fair.  He was not at all like I thought.  I thank God he gave him a rebirth, so to say.    In 2001 things were about to change for Prince.  He found God.  He joined the Jehovah Witnesses and found a way of researching the truth.

He was led to the Jehovah Witness Faith by Larry Graham.  He had a 2 year debate with him on religion and in 2001, he lost the debate and became a very devout follower.  So many things changed in his life.   Prince would go door to door in a suit and tie and witness to people. He never told them he was Prince.  He gave up cussing and had a cuss jar in his home.  Anyone who cussed had to put from $3 to $10 in the jar.

He did not do illegal drugs or drink either. In 2010 he had a hip surgery in hopes of ending the chronic pain he was in.  The surgery was a failure and left him with the same chronic pain  he had had for 20 years.  He was taking very strong opioid type drug called peroccet.  Peroccet was not only deadly and highly dangerous, it was highly addictive.  4 times prior to his death there were emergency calls made from his home.  Prince was living on the edge and knew he was in trouble.

Things You Never Knew
 I have to say I was shocked when I started reading on the life of Prince.

He was not at all like I thought.  First was amazed at how humble and kind he was.  He was almost shy.  It is hard to picture him that way.  He appeared on the view and Sherry humiliated him and told him she wanted to make love to him.  He ran off the stage.  He had invited them to his show that weekend and during the show, he called Sherry on stage to dance with him.  Nothing at all like he was on the show.  This is prior to his show at the Madison Square Gardens on December 18, 2010.

 Because he is so shy, he made plans with Woopi Goldberg to show up on the show secretly.  

 He gave tons of charity secretly.  According to his religion, he had to give secretly.  So many were not aware of this but concerts were planned around areas where he wanted to give charity.  So he would do concerts in Louisiana or Chicago or cities were there were a need.  

He rarely did TV shows but did love George Lopez.  He said he came to George Lopez show because he had many different types of people on the show.  George would loan the family of Prince $20,000 to help them till the funds were released due to the fact of their close friendship and the help that Prince gave to him and his family.  Even buying houses for some.  So why the loan? Why not give the money to the family as Prince had done for him???  Below is the song "The Beautiful Ones" he sang on George's show. The video is captivating.

Prince wrote all his songs, played more than 20 instruments and sang of course.

So Many Stories of Help and Love

Did you know Prince offered to help and mentor Chris Brown after his problem with Rhianna in 2009.  Everyone wanted to know why Prince cared when no one else wanted anything to do with him?  Prince said it was so wonderful to forgive instantly.  He made a call to Chris Brown but Chris never called back.  Dumb move Chris Brown.

There were two marriages, 1 baby who died and one miscarriage.  Of course Prince is famous for his many loves.  Prince was sexy and he was charismatic and he could literally have any woman he wanted.  He was only 5'2' but what a sexy many.

He had many phone relations too.  He liked to call people at 2am or 4:30am and say "Hi, I am Prince."  Wow, who would not be happy to talk. to him.  One such person is Tamron Hall.  She may have been one of the last people to speak to him also.  His last text to her was " You're thinking of me because I'm thinking of you too."

On Saturday Tamron called him and they talked for 3 hours.  He sounded find and no hint of the flu or cold.  Prince and her connected due to the news interest he had.  She stated Prince was the only person she talked to more than her mother.  She was devastated when she got the news.

Prince Dies Alone on April 21st, 2016

My absolute worse fear is to die alone and elevators are so horrifying to me.  For years Prince told his friend, who was a writer for Rolling Stone that his worse fear was to die alone. The writer hopes Prince never knew he was dying, not even for one single moment.  To die the way he feared the most is devastating to many.  He may have been trying to get to the hospital or get some help.  Why was he in an elevator?  Why not just call for help?  I guess we will never know.

I have had a very hard time with his death as I know very much about chronic pain. For 1 year I have suffered so much and I know well about choices.  Pain makes you insane and yes you do make bad choices at time, but you just want the pain to stop.  You just want a few moments when you can move, you can sleep or do anything.  Prior to his death, he was rushed to Moline, Illinois to the emergency room with an overdose of peroccet.  It was after a concert and I guess he overdid the show like he always does.  He was unresponsive and had to be
carried off the plane.

The doctors told him that he must stay in the hospital for 24 hours, but he refused.  He instead returned home.   After returning home, he never slept again.  In fact for 156 hours he had no sleep. His body was already very low, immunity very bad, body temperature 94 degrees, iron deficient and more. So with no sleep, it only made it worse.  Like me, I can imagine that there may have been a fear of dying.  Sleep allows the body to repair.

Stories floating that Prince had been sick for awhile.  His own chef tells that Prince was not himself for a few months and the last week he was very bad.  He was complaining of the flu, stomach problems and more. Prince was a vegetarian, not vegan as most say.  He ate no red meat at all.  He hated onions, mushrooms and feta cheese.  He enjoyed soups and vegetarian meals.  In the last weeks he wanted more juices and smoothies as they were easy on his stomach.  The chef told of a story where he left Prince's food for him and he had been his chef for 3 years.  Prince saw one tiny smudge on the box. The next morning he confronted the chef and put 2 fingers to his eyes and then pointed at the chef.  Which meant, I am watching you.  Prince had a wonderful sense of humor.

Pneumonia or the flu is sometimes the cause of death.  While the toxicity report will not be back for several weeks, many fear he died of an overdose.  Maybe he took the drugs again?  The week after the trip to the emergency room, Prince went to Walmart 4 times for drugs.  The last time was the night before he died.  The cashier said he was very agitated waiting for his meds.  Pain makes you agitated for sure.  If you have not had pain, you cannot imagine what I am talking about.

After his death

His sister Tyka ran quickly to court to file papers saying Prince had no will and she named the siblings.  She was the only whole sister and the rest were half siblings.  Now since his death more have been coming out of the woodwork.  We now have a someone who claims to be his half sister on his mom's side, a love child and a grand niece.  There is even a man who claimed to have a verbal deal with Prince.  

The court is basically waiting to see who else comes forward.  The love child is being investigated and DNA samples are being taken.  Chances are more will come.  Money makes people insane.

Chances are it will be years before the estate is settled and at least 3 weeks before the toxicity report is back.  The final death cause will change many things and the death of Prince has been changed to a criminal investigation.

When Prince died the entire world lit up with purple lights.  Almost like a symbol to tell Prince he was loves.  It is a sad time to have such a genius die and it has shocked the world.  God called him home.  His suffering has ended and he is finally at peace.  We will always miss you Prince.  God's mercy be with you.