
Cayenne and Black Seed Oil Saved My Life - Stroke Recovery

It was the 2nd day of EID Fitr (Holiday after Ramadan).  I was feeling depressed and nervous and I fixed myself a cheese sandwich in the grill with no butter at all and very thin slices of mozarella cheese and I also had a Dr. Pepper.  Immediately I had blurry vision, but I had been having blurry vision for days and was a little concerned, but not much.

What came next concerned me. For the first time I got an immediate pain in my brain stem.  Some of you may know that strokes in the brain stem are the worse and they affect:  breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure. It also controls speech, swallowing, hearing, and eye movements.

 Impulses sent by other parts of the brain travel through the brain stem on their way to various body parts. We’re dependent on brain stem function for survival. A brain stem stroke threatens vital bodily functions, making it a life-threatening condition.

So in other words this is the most deadly stroke you can have.  I was working on a long article and wanted to finish but the pain got worse.  I then went to take a cup of cayenne tea to stop any swelling.  

I drank the tea and the symptoms got worse.  I then drank another cup of tea.  I then went for the black seed oil and Yemeni Honeycomb I had.  I took some Black Seed Oil and soaked the honeycomb and took a huge spoon of the honey mixed with the oils.

I then drank some zam zam water from Saudi Arabia.  My brain continued to swell.  Well how could this be?  Normally one cup of cayenne tea would stop a stroke.  

But this was my 3rd stroke and normally very deadly.  So I continue to drink more tea.  In the end I drank 5 cups of tea, 3 glasses of zam zam water and 2 big tablespoons of black seed oil mixed in Yemeni honey.  Finally I had stopped the stroke.

The Cobra Attacks Again

By the end of the day my liver was killing me because I took so much cayenne.  But it had to be done.  I had to stop the Cobra and save my brain.  My brain was swollen though and I had to be very careful.

A stroke is like a cobra and it will attack again and again.  I knew and told my friend, that it will come again.  Sure enough on the second day my entire left side of my body was numb.  So I had to start the protocol again.  This day I only took 2 cups of tea, zam zam water and black seed oil.

By the third day I was feeling my brain was decreased in swelling but still very sick and extremely weak.

The 4th Day

By the 4th day I was feeling better and more energetic.  I took no more cayenne tea but had cayenne in my food regularly.

First two days of a stroke eat no solid food, you only have your morning smoothie and carrot juice.  As you feel better on the 3rd day start with bland foods and soup.  By the 4th day you can add in food.

Today I am feeling very good.

What did I do?

I had great help from a Natural doc Named Paul Blake.  You can go to his website Here

The first thing he had me do was to drink the morning smoothie.  See Recipe here

It is very healthy and so easy to make.  I did add in one pack of stevia and some date syrup and some collagen powder.  I also juiced around 12 carrots with assorted veggies, ginger and lemon.  That is all I had the first two days.

The 3rd day I had some parslane with 1/2 tomato, chopped, some chopped pecans in some goat yogurt with one whole wheat pita bread.  The fourth day I added the cayenne pepper to the yogurt salad instead of using the tea.

Felt great and energetic.  Doc Paul had me to take Vitamin B3 also with this protocol.   While I still have a long way to go, I am doing marvelous for someone who had a major stroke.

If I had to take 5 cups of cayenne, it was a big one.  That is what Doc Paul told me.  So he said cayenne saved my live.  It is not a joke guys.  Get some cayenne and have it accessible.

Hot Kettle a Must

Now you need a source to heat your water immediately.  You do not have time to heat water on the stove.  Here is one I like much.  It is reasonable priced too.  Buy here

Vegetarian Diet

Doc Paul said you need to eat one pound of veggies at lunch and dinner.  So you need mostly raw (70%), your morning smoothie and buy a juicer. too.  A juicer is a must.  I have a Phillips I love, but it is only available overseas.   The Breville is a top seller - here

David Wolf swears by the Silver Bullet and I just love it for grinding herbs and seeds too.  Buy here

Do not be fooled into thinking 4 days is enough to cure any stroke.  You are constantly on guard and looking out.  But it begins with cayenne, continues with black seed oil and ends with a healthy diet.

I went to have my blood checked.  Here are my results:  cholesterol 175, triglycerides 87, HDL 65 and LDL 100.  My lab doc said I was in fantastic shape and asked what I did.  Simple I take black seed oil daily.

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