
Should I Take Honey or Juice with Black Seed Oil


Morning, everyone. Welcome to Sam's World. How's everybody doing? 4:21 a.m. in Jordan. I'm all drowsy eyed here, but I'm up making videos for both my channels. Was trying to think of what we should do on this channel today. 

Honey and black seed oil. Should I take honey with black seed oil? Yes. Why? Because it's suna. What does that mean? That means that's what prophet Mohammed did.

Now, God sent the cure for all disease down with angel Gabriel and he gave it to prophet Mohammed. He sent it for all humanity, not for Muslims. He sent it for all humanity. Now, so we follow many things that prophet Mohammed taught us from the way to eat, food combinations, things like that. 

Well, what he did is he combined the black seeds with honey. He did not combine it with juice. He combined it with honey. Now, in some cases, I like the juice better, but when you're getting your organic juice, look on the bottle. Does it contain sugar? Is there any fructose in it? 

Now, if you're getting 100% organic juice, that is good and it's easy to take. I buy cherry juice by the crate. I just love it, love it, love it. It's so nice. I looked on the price on Amazon and geez, organic juice is really expensive. 

But tonight some of you know I have a compressed nerve that is so horrible. I had a feeling, a spiritual feeling that I needed to start taking my oil with honey. Now I have tons of Yemeni honey so I'm going to take a quart of jar into my office and have that there.

I want to mention some things that happened when we talk about the quality of products. As everyone knows, my store was open for a few weeks to help those who are begging me for the products I had, and now everybody's crying because they did not order more. 

I'm getting in some of the most marvelous reviews and testimonies. One man today, God bless his soul, even sent me a donation because he said that the products I sent him were better than Perfect Press. Can you imagine better than Perfect Press? 

Oh, those who will regret not ordering. He said his body was reacting wonderfully to the products. He bought some Yemeni honey and oil and some of my wonderful tumeric mix. 

I got another testimony from another guy. He told me, "Your oil is much better. Did you know that there is anything better than Perfect Press?" Maybe that's why I'm so cute. Yes, got some really, really wonderful, wonderful testimonies in. But no, my store is closed. My store is closed.

Now I told one man if you want to order 10 cups of loofah, I'll send it out to you, but small orders, no. The post office is charging me these huge fees now. Yeah, I have to pay custom fees to ship out, but I really appreciate those testimonies that came in. Everybody has all their orders. I was so happy to hear that. So happy to hear that. For those who got my special packages, feel blessed. Feel blessed. Isn't that great? 

Now, honey. There's so much out in the news today about how there's so much fake honey on the market. Are you sure you're getting quality honey? 

The best honey is Yemeni. I mean, years ago when I had kidney cancer, I heard about Yemeni honey. So I went and bought it. It was so expensive. I said I can't afford this, but an angel told me I had to have it. So I went back to the man. I said, "Okay. Give me a Yemeni honeycomb, and I want to buy a half a kilo of Yemeni honey." My life has forever changed since that day. 

The man in Canada today, he debated about whether he wanted to pay. My honey is expensive. $150 a kilo. Whether he wanted to buy it from me. He said he's ordered some and it was fake, and he wasn't real for sure should he order. 

Well, he took a chance and trusted me. He ordered my Yemeni honey and he told me, "Thank you. Thank you. It is excellent. How luck I am to be in the mecca of all of these wonderful herbs. See how blessed I am?"

I went to the store today and this man was just follow me all over the store. 

He wanted to know how long I had been in Jordan. He was telling me, "Buy this. Buy this. Buy this." I don't like people to bother me. Really, I don't like people to bother me.

Okay. So getting the best quality honey. Now I'll tell you some local honeys ... We used to buy an Iraqi honey that was so, so wonderful. Some local honeys are really, really good. Don't buy anything in a grocery store. It's all processed and heated and junk. Be careful about the type of honey you buy. Make sure it's not fake. 

Some Manuka honeys are really good also. Are you getting original New Zealand honey or is it somebody popping on a label? You can afford Yemeni honey but I'll tell you, after I had cancer, man, I'll put it on waffles now. Seriously, you get hooked on that stuff. I'll tell people it's for healing. It's not for putting in tea. But I'll tell you it's so delicious, you get used to that stuff. So Yemeni honey.

Anybody with a disease, I tell them Yemeni honey. One man wrote on here that he bought my Perfect Press black seed oil and the Yemeni honey and he's sleeping better at night. Boy, insomnia, no matter ... How much will you pay to be able to sleep at night? 

So how do you know should you be taking juice or honey? Well, we know let's assume it was a way prophet Mohammed taught us, but Dr. Fit, who's on Facebook, he suggests the black current juice with the oil is the best way to take it. Now in some cases we want to take the honey.

 Where do we make the decision? If you have any stomach problems, it's got to be honey. It's got to be honey. Why? Because we know honey heals the stomach. Do you have gas? You have really bad gas here? Do you know that taking honeycomb with honey will cure that? 

You don't need any antacids and all that stuff. I have a jar in my cabinet with some herbs with honeycomb and black seed oil in there too with honey. If I have gas, I go and take me a big spoon of that. Yeah. It's really, really, really wonderful stuff.

Sometimes juice is really nice. You could carry a little bottle of black seed oil with you to work and you could just get some juice and just pour it in there. You could have your black seed oil during the day. You can have it like if you're traveling. That's good. That's good. Sometimes juice is really ... Like I say, I have a lot of juice in there that I use it, but sometimes I feel in my soul, my spiritual soul, that I need honey. Honey is so healing. 

But let's say I can't afford Yemeni honey, what is Yemeni cost on Amazon? It's about $80 for a half a kilo. Let's say I don't have that much money. Let's say I bought some Perfect Press black seed oil. I don't have that much money for honey. Buy what you can afford.

If you had to decide what to do, now if you're diabetic, you know you can't take honey but you could take a small amount. I tell the diabetics, you're not going to be dead if you use a half a teaspoon of honey. Let's say you have diabetes and you want to take a teaspoon of oil with a half of teaspoon of honey. 

Do you think that you're going to be dead if you do that? No, the black seed oil's going to help you reverse your diabetes. You cannot take juice. Juice is the worse thing for a diabetic. 

Cancer patients, it's got to be honey all the way. Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, MRSA, it's got to be honey all the way. But if you're just looking for general health, you could have either one. Do you have stomach distress? Make that ginger elixir we talked about yesterday. 

So in my book, Yemeni honey is absolutely best. But I have like six or eight bottles of the cherry juice in there. I do use both, but sometimes in your soul you may feel I need that extra oomph. Really, really good stuff.

Hope everybody's having a really good day. Appreciate all my followers. We're at 5900 subscribers now. Love it, love it, love it. 

Thanks to everyone who supports the channel. Please remember to support the channel, buy from my store, 

They're killing my sales. So we appreciate the support of the channel. We appreciate it so much. Love those. Love those. Love those who regularly support the channel. 

Hey, guys. Have a great day. Hope you enjoyed this video on honey and black seed oil. If you haven't subscribed, subscribe below. Like the video and share it with your friends. We'll see you back real soon. Have a great day. Bye bye.

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